My partner and I often open either 1D then rebid 2C when we hold either 5 clubs and 4 diamonds, or 5 diamonds and 4 clubs. Should this be alerted? We do it to create a rebid when the hand isn't strong enough to reverse. What do you think?
I beleive that this falls under the category of: About expected strength and shape.
Both suits are at least 4 cards long (a minor suit is considered natural if it promises at least 3 cards), so there is no problem there. There is nothing conventional, and this bidding sequence could, by rights, be 4-4 in the minors, (although not often). I see no reason, under the alert chart, that this should be alerted. I also think it's close enough to "just bridge", that there is no reason that any additional comments should be made to the opponents.
Natural bids of about expected strength and shape are not alertable, which is why I wrote the first sentence.