1NT, p, 2C, p 2 Whatever ...2D,2H or2S by Opener 2NT by Responder Opener says"Alert".
NOW QUESTION: 1NT, P, 2C,P 2 Whatever ... 2DM2H or 2S by Opener 3NT by Responnder Opener does or does NOT "Alert".
My theory is that opener does not "Alert" 3NT by responder because responder has indicated at least 10 points by jumping to 3NT and therefore did not go through Staymen to get to the NT as he would with 8-9 points AND responder definitely has a 4 card Major or else he would have jumped directly to 3NT with no 4 card Major.
I am a little bit confuzzled as to what exactly your question is. I am vaguely familiar with 4wt, and I don't THiNK 3NT should be alerted. I THINK that this bid is natural, same as it would be over stymn w/o 4wt. Please note that I only THINK this, I'm not positive, so don't base an actual ruling (?) on this. Hope I helped.
Let me take this moment to discuss the whole alert procedure using 4-suit transfers, in response to a natural no-trump opener at any level. If responder bids diamonds as a transfer to hearts, or hearts as a transfer to spades, the single-word announcement "transfer" is required. Transfers or relays to clubs or diamonds are alerted with the single word "alert".
Now, to your actual question. The bid you are referring to (bidding 2NT, which may or may not show a 4 card major) is alertable, and if asked, the explanation should be: "may not have a 4 card major". Assuming that the rebid of 3NT just means that responder actually went through stayman to try to find a 4-4 major fit, and does promise a major, no alert is required. One additional point: if the auction goes (with no competition): 1NT - 2C - 2H - 2NT, and the 2NT denies holding 4 spades, the alert should be, "does not have a 4 card major".
Remember: alerts and announcements are always ONE WORD, except for the point range stated with a one no-trump opener. No additional words are to be said, unless an explanation is asked for. Do Not volunteer additional information, unless asked, and then volunteer everything you know about your agreement.