South has one ace, After the 5d call, a defender would like to inquire about the ace asking sequence. Who does he ask, and which bid does he ask about? At the table, East asked N about the 4NT bid. North said, "RKC." The actual agreement was Blackwood. At this point, South knows that North has four keycards, not one ace, as he'd assumed before based on the agreement. This enabled him to bid a 11-imp 7s swing. Then, I was called. I believe that the most North can say is "ace asking." Otherwise, he is telling partner what his 5d means. My ruling was that the board would be adjusted to 5s+5, since had the asking irregularity not occurred, South would have assumed one ace, and he therefore would've stopped at 5s missing two aces. Although East should've asked South about the 5d, my ruling was that North gave away too much information. Was I correct?